Shape Healthier Living Spaces

13 Years of Building Biology Expertise to Shape Healthier Living Spaces

With over 13 years of experience as a Building Biologist in Germany, I’ve worked closely with developers, project developers, and architects during my time as a broker and residential investment consultant. Throughout my career, I realized that while the international real estate industry increasingly values ecology, it often focuses on addressing climate change rather than ensuring healthy living environments.

Building Biology provides critical insights, offering clear thresholds for pollutants and radiation that help distinguish healthy homes from harmful ones. Unfortunately, this field has not progressed as it should, despite these new findings. Every person deserves to live in a healthy home, but to determine whether a space truly supports health, a Building Biologist is essential.

Building Biologists assess living environments, conduct vital measurements, and diagnose potential hazards to ensure spaces are designed to preserve health. Much like doctors care for physical well-being, Building Biologists care for the safety of the spaces we live in.

This is where mezzalyn. comes in. We evaluate, confirm, advise, and plan healthy building projects at a fixed price. We’re excited to launch mezzalyn. and work with developers, architects, and investors on projects that not only focus on sustainability but also prioritize the creation of genuinely healthy living spaces.

Let’s start building healthier, sustainable homes together with mezzalyn.