The Holistic Building Biology Examination According to the
A comprehensive overview of physical, chemical, biological, indoor climate, and other risk factors, which are expertly examined, measured, evaluated, and documented in bedrooms, living spaces, workplaces, and properties. If abnormalities are detected, appropriate remediation recommendations are developed and proposed.
The individual points of the standard describe biologically critical environmental influences in indoor spaces. The professional detection, minimization, and avoidance within feasible individual frameworks are the tasks of building biology measurement technology. The aim and goal are to create a healthy, natural living environment as unburdened as possible, considering all points of the standard and diagnostic possibilities. In measurements, evaluations, and remediation efforts, building biology experience, preventive measures, and what is achievable are at the forefront, supported by scientific knowledge. Every risk reduction should be pursued in principle.
This multi-part original standard has been a guiding principle since 1992 and, with the associated guidelines, boundary conditions, and principles, serves as the basis for building biology measurement work and preventive evaluation, nationally and internationally. The Building Biology Association (VB), founded in 2002, has adopted the standard as its working basis.
A. Fields, Waves, Radiation
1. Electric Alternating Fields (Low Frequency)
Cause: Alternating voltage in installations, cables, devices, sockets, walls, floors, beds, free and high-voltage power lines… Measurement of low-frequency electric field strength (V/m) and body voltage (mV) with determination of the dominant frequency (Hz) and noticeable harmonics.
2. Magnetic Alternating Fields (Low Frequency)
Cause: Alternating current in installations, cables, devices, transformers, motors, free and buried lines, high-voltage power lines, railways… Measurement and long-term recording of low-frequency magnetic flux density (nT) from network and railway power with determination of the dominant frequency (Hz) and noticeable harmonics.
3. Electromagnetic Waves (High Frequency)
Cause: Mobile communications, data, bundled, aviation, directional, broadcast, radar, military, cordless phones, wireless networks, radios… Measurement of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation density (µW/m²) with determination of dominant frequencies (kHz, MHz, GHz) and signal characteristics (low-frequency pulsing, periodicity, broadband, modulation).
4. Static Electric Fields (Electrostatics)
Cause: Synthetic carpets, floors, curtains, textiles, plastic wallpapers, paints, surface coatings, stuffed animals, screens… Measurement of static surface voltage (V) and discharge time (s) and air electricity (V/m).
5. Static Magnetic Fields (Magnetostatics)
Cause: Steel parts in beds, mattresses, furniture, devices, fixtures, building materials, direct current from trams, photovoltaic systems… Measurement of Earth’s magnetic field distortion as static spatial flux density deviation (µT, metal) or temporal flux density fluctuation (µT, direct current) and compass deviation (°).
6. Radioactivity (Alpha, Beta, Gamma Radiation, Radon)
Cause: Building materials, stones, tiles, slags, ashes, antiquities, devices, ventilation, geological ground radiation, environment… Measurement of radioactive radiation as pulse rate (ips), equivalent dose rate (nSv/h) and deviation (%), and measurement and long-term recording of radon concentration (Bq/m³).
7. Geological Disturbances (Earth’s Magnetic Field, Earth Radiation)
Cause: Currents and radioactivity of the Earth; local disturbance zones due to terrestrial faults, cracks, water, deposits… Measurement of magnetic field (nT) and radioactive radiation (ips) of the Earth and its noticeable disturbances (%).
8. Sound Waves (Air and Structure-Borne Sound)
Cause: Road noise, aviation, railways, industry, buildings, devices, machines, motors, pumps, transformers, wind turbines, sound bridges… Measurement of noise, hearing, infrasound, and ultrasound (dB), vibration and oscillation (m/s²).
9. Light (Artificial Lighting – Visible Light, UV, Infrared Radiation)
Cause: Incandescent lamps, halogen light, fluorescent tubes, energy-saving lamps, LED, OLED, screens, displays, VLC data transmission… Measurement of light spectrum, spectral distribution (nm), light flicker (Hz, %), illumination strength (lx), color rendering (Ra), color temperature (K), electromagnetic fields (V/m, nT), ultrasound (dB).
B. Indoor Toxins, Pollutants, Indoor Climate
1. Formaldehyde and Other Gaseous Pollutants
Cause: Paints, adhesives, chipboards, wood materials, furniture, devices, heating, leaks, combustion, exhaust gases, environment… Measurement of gaseous pollutants (µg/m³, ppm) such as formaldehyde, ozone, chlorine, city and industrial gases, natural gas, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide, as well as other combustion gases.
2. Solvents and Other Volatile to Semi-Volatile Pollutants
Cause: Paints, varnishes, adhesives, plastics, building materials, chipboard, furniture, fixtures, coatings, thinners, care products… Measurement of volatile pollutants (µg/m³, ppm) such as aldehydes, aliphatics, alcohols, aromatics, esters, glycols, ketones, cresols, phenols, siloxanes, terpenes, and other organic compounds (VOC).
3. Pesticides and Other Semi-Volatile Pollutants
Cause: Wood, leather, carpet protection, adhesives, plastics, seals, coatings, pest control, exterminators…
Measurement of semi-volatile pollutants (mg/kg, ng/m³) such as biocides, insecticides, fungicides, wood preservatives, carpet protectants, flame retardants, plasticizers, pyrethroids, PCBs, PAHs, PFAS, dioxins.
4. Heavy Metals and Related Pollutants
Cause: Wood protection, building materials, devices, fixtures, construction moisture, PVC, paints, glazes, sanitary pipes, industry, waste, environment… Measurement of inorganic pollutants (mg/kg, ng/m³) such as light and heavy metals (aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, lead, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, nickel, mercury, zinc), metal compounds, and salts.
5. Particles and Fibers (Fine Dust, Nanoparticles, Asbestos, Mineral Fibers)
Cause: Aerosols, suspended particles, dust, smoke, soot, construction, insulation, and plastics, ventilation, air conditioning systems, devices, toners, environment… Measurement of dust, particle count and size, asbestos, and other fibers (/l, µg/m³, /g, %).
6. Indoor Climate (Temperature, Humidity, Carbon Dioxide, Air Ions, Air Exchange, Odors)
Cause: Moisture damage, construction moisture, building materials, ventilation, heating, fixtures, breathing, electrical fields, radiation, dust, environment… Measurement of air and surface temperature (°C), air and material moisture (r.H., a.H., %), oxygen (vol.%), carbon dioxide (ppm), air pressure (mbar), air movement (m/s), air exchange rate (/h), air ions (/cm³), and detection of odors.
C. Molds, Bacteria, Allergens
1. Molds and Their Spores and Metabolic Products
Cause: Moisture damage, thermal bridges, construction defects, building materials, remediation errors, ventilation, air conditioning systems, fixtures, environment… Measurement and determination of cultivable and non-cultivable molds, mold spores, and fungal components (/m³, /cm², /dm², /g) as well as metabolic products (MVOC, toxins).
2. Yeast Fungi and Their Metabolic Products
Cause: Damp areas, hygiene problems, food storage, waste, kitchen appliances, water treatment, sanitary facilities…
Measurement and determination of yeast fungi (/m³, /dm², /g, /l) and metabolic products.
3. Bacteria and Their Metabolic Products
Cause: Damp areas, fecal damage, hygiene problems, food storage, waste, water treatment, sanitary installations…
Measurement and determination of bacteria (/m³, /dm², /g, /l) and metabolic products.
4. House Dust Mites and Other Allergens
Cause: Mites, mite excrement, insects, fungi, pollen, hygiene, house dust, pets, fragrances, moisture, environment…
Measurement and determination of mite numbers and excrement, pollen, animal hair, allergens (/m³, /g).
Further measurements, analyses, inspections, consultations, and assessments are carried out within the framework of the building biology standard, such as pipeline and drinking water tests for toxic or bacterial contamination, assessments of building materials, furniture, devices, and fixtures, and consultations and planning for upcoming projects, renovations, and building support.
This standard includes the current building biology guidelines for sleeping areas, which are specially developed for long-term risk and the particularly sensitive regeneration time of humans, and the metrological conditions, explanations, and supplements, which describe and establish the criteria for building biology expert measurements and analyses, as well as the principles as the value foundation and guideline in building biology measurement technology.
This standard was developed between 1987 and 1992 by BAUBIOLOGIE MAES at the request and with the support of the Institute for Building Biology + Sustainability IBN. Colleagues and doctors contributed. It was first published in May 1992. The standard, guidelines, principles, and conditions have been continuously updated since 1999 by a standards commission of experienced building biology experts with the support of independent scientists in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, architecture, laboratories, environmental medicine, and other experts. This current SBM-2024 is the 9th edition, introduced in August 2024.